Friday, August 7, 2009


"From 1996 to 2006 traditional church attendance steadily declines. In the same decade house church attendance grew by 1000%" - George Barna Research Group

JUST ADDED: Vine House Churches & 2 or 3 Together

If you're in the Inland Empire you'll want to check out "2 or 3 Together" house churches and if you're in the Rancho Cucamonga area be sure to stop by and get to know the good people at Vine House Church network.

(See links at left)

Looking for a house church in your area? Send an email to
OCHOUSECHURCH@GMAIL.COM and let us know where you are. We'll do our best to connect you with a house church close to home.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

JUST ADDED: The Roots Church (Encinitas) & The Crossing (Whittier)

If you live a little further south of Orange County, check out The Roots Church in Encinitas.

Their website is found

Or, if you live in the Whittier area you'll be blessed to join the good people at The Crossing house church.

Their info is found